EdCounsel | The EdCounsel Guide Services for School Districts
EdCounsel | Emily Omohundro | Attorney

“When we choose our friends, we try to surround ourselves with people who share our values and who enrich our lives. I am fortunate enough to be able to have a career filled with people who do the same. Not many people can say that.”

–Emily Omohundro

Emily Omohundro

As a member of the EdCounsel team, Emily defends public schools in a variety of legal matters ranging from discrimination claims to complex contract disputes.

Emily is an experienced advocate who uses her background in general defense litigation to represent her school clients in state and federal court, as well as before state administrative bodies.

Every morning Emily wakes up with a solid game plan for the anticipated work projects ahead of her (just don’t ask her to start the operation of this plan before six a.m.). Due to the nature of schools and the education business, it’s difficult to actually know what lies ahead each day. This, as well as her clients drive to do what is best for kids, fuels Emily’s love for what she does. She enjoys collaborating with her clients, problem-solving and consulting with colleagues to help do what is most valuable in this important field. At the end of the day, a lot of good work is done, but not necessarily what she thought when her feet hit the floor in the morning.

EdCounsel | Emily Omohundro Represents Missouri School Districts

Growing up, many amazing teachers touched Emily’s life. Whether at Fulton High School, Missouri State University, or University of Missouri School of Law, the teachers who made the biggest impression and inspired her the most were the teachers who injected passion and humor into the subject matter.  Those experiences are part of the reason why Emily is a committed supporter of public schools.

Emily and her husband, Matt, live in Fulton with their children, Lila, Max, and Moses.

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