Fort Osage R-I School District Policies Regarding:
The District will annually adopt an academic calendar that indicates the opening date and days of the school year, provides a minimum of 1,044 hours of student attendance (522 for Kindergarten), and includes 36 make-up hours for possible loss of attendance hours due to inclement weather. When make-up hours exceed 36, half the time will be made up, yet not to exceed 60 total hours. In accordance with the law, the District may apply to the Missouri Department of Education and Secondary Education for approval to use alternative methods of instruction.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
The District will provide all parents and guardians of students with suggestions and a plan for regular parent-guided home reading.
The District annually administers screenings for dyslexia for all students in grades Kindergarten through six, , unless otherwise specified in a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
The District will assess all students enrolled in Kindergarten through third grade at the beginning and end of each school year for their level of reading or reading readiness on state-approved reading assessments. The District will assess any newly enrolled student in first through fifth grade for their level of reading or reading readiness on a reading assessment from the state-approved listed.
At the beginning of the school year or upon student enrollment, the District will provide a reading success plan and intensive instructional services and supports as specified in such plan to any student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading which creates a barrier to the student’s progress learning to read. A substantial reading deficiency refers to a student who is one or more grade level or levels behind in reading or reading readiness. The identification of such deficiency may be based upon the most recent assessments or teacher observations. The District will also provide a reading success plan and intensive instructional services and supports as specified in such plan to any student who has been identified as being at risk of dyslexia in the statewide dyslexia screening or has a formal diagnosis of dyslexia. For students who enroll after the beginning of the school year, the student’s reading proficiency will be reassessed by reading assessments on the state-approved list. Students on a reading success plan will continue to receive intensive reading instruction until the reading deficiency is remedied.
The District will provide intensive reading instruction through a reading development initiative to each Kindergarten through grade five student who has a substantial deficiency in reading.
The District will annually notify the parent or guardian in writing of any student in Kindergarten through third grade who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading of the following:
• The student has been identified as having a substantial deficiency in reading;
• A description of services currently provided to the student;
• A description of the proposed supplemental instructional services and supports that the District will provide that are designed to remediate the identified are of reading deficiency;
• Strategies for parents and guardians to use in helping the student succeed in reading proficiency, including but not limited to the promotion of parent-guided home reading.
The District will notify the parent or guardian no less than four times per year of academic and other progress being made by the student and provide other useful information.
If the District provides a summer reading program, the District will notify the parent or guardian of each student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading of this opportunity.
If a student has a substantial reading deficiency at the end of third grade, the student’s parent or guardian and appropriate District staff will discuss whether the student should be retained based on consideration of all relevant factors. A decision to promote or retain will only be made after direct personal consultation with the student’s parent or guardian and after the formulation of a specific plan of action to remedy the student’s reading deficiency.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022; Updated November 8, 2022
The promotion of any particular religion or religious belief is prohibited. No portion of any class will have the primary purpose or effect of advancing or inhibiting religion. Teachers may teach about religion and use instructional materials appropriate to meeting the course objectives aligned to the maturity of the students as long as it is done in a manner that protects the individual rights of religious freedom.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
General Requirements
Students will be provided instruction regarding human sexuality. Students in 6th grade through 12th grade will be provided training regarding sexual abuse. Parents/guardians must be notified regarding the content of and their right to remove their student from any part of human sexuality instruction or sexual abuse. Students may be separated by gender for instruction. All curriculum materials used in the District’s human sexuality instruction and sexual abuse training will be available for review prior to its use in instruction. Additionally, the District will not allow any individual or organization to offer, sponsor, or furnish any materials or instruction relating to human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases to students if the individual or organization provides abortion services.
Required Components for Course Materials and Instruction
Any materials and instruction relating to human sexuality will be medically and factually accurate and developmentally appropriate for the students’ age and grade. Further, materials and instruction will:
Any materials and training relating to sexual abuse will be trauma-informed and developmentally appropriate. Further, materials and training will include:
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
The District will find and evaluate children from ages three through 21 who reside within the District’s attendance areas and who may need special education and related services. This requirement includes students who attend private schools located in the District or home schools. Students eligible to receive special education and related services who attend the Fort Osage R-I School District will be provided a free and appropriate education (FAPE) in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Missouri State Plan for Special Education (State Plan), the District’s local compliance plan, and all federal and state laws. Students who attend private or home schools are not entitled to FAPE, yet may be eligible for special education and related services as defined by the District through the expenditure of a proportionate share of its IDEA Part B funds.
The District will identify all students ages three through five (not Kindergarten eligible) by using any of the disability categories, other than Language Impairment, including that of a Young Child with Developmental Delay (YCDD) in accordance with the Missouri State Plan. For a child with a disability who becomes Kindergarten age eligible (age five before August 1), the District will determine continuing eligibility for special education using any of the disability categories, including YCDD. A child who is not identified as eligible for special education services prior to reaching kindergarten age will be identified using disability categories excluding that of YCDD.
For students with disabilities who receive services as defined in an Individual Education Plan (IEP), the IEP team must consider the need for Extended School Year (ESY) services as a provision of FAPE. The determination regarding the need for ESY will be based upon data regarding the student’s need for services beyond the school year, including but not limited to, the nature and severity of the disability, learning crucial to the students IEP goals and objectives, the child’s progress, behavioral and physical needs, documented or projected regression/recoupment, and other factors as identified by the State. If there is insufficient data at the time of the IEP meeting to determine whether ESY is appropriate, the IEP team will specify a time frame and the additional data collection methods necessary to make a decision at a future IEP meeting. If ESY is necessary for the provision of FAPE, the IEP team will identify the length, nature, and type of ESY services for the student.
When a student with a disability, age sixteen or older, receives services as defined in an IEP, the District will implement appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills and the necessary transition services (including courses of study) to assist the student in reaching those goals. These goals will be updated annually. When a qualified student with a disability reaches age 18, the student and parent/guardian will be informed of the student’s rights under Part B of IDEA and that those rights will transfer to the student upon meeting the age of majority.
Students may be evaluated, identified, and accommodated for disabilities by Section 504 of the Rehabilitations Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act to ensure any student is provided FAPE, access to and participation in programs and activities. The District has developed a 504 Procedures Manual for the implementation of federal regulations for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Subpart D.
The District anticipates the need for nonvisual accessibility and has procedures in place to reduce or eliminate common barriers experienced by blind or visually impaired students, parents, educators, administrators, and other staff in accordance with law.
Students eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) who will have completed four years of high school at the end of a school year may participate in the graduation ceremony and all related activities of the student's graduating class if:
1. The student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) prescribes special education, transition planning, transition services or related services beyond the student's four years of high school, and
2. The student's IEP team determines the student is making progress toward the completion of the IEP and that participation in the graduation ceremony is appropriate.
The student and the student's parent/guardian will be provided written notice of this policy at the annual IEP meeting prior to or during the student's fourth year of high school.
For information on recording IEP or 504 meetings, please refer to C-165-P, Use of Recording Devices or Drones. For information regarding an initial referral, procedural safeguards, evaluation, or services, parents/guardians should contact the building principal. To obtain information regarding an independent evaluation, mediation, child complaints or appeal processes, please contact the Executive Director of Student Support Services and/or 504 Coordinator.
Title: Executive Director of Student Support Services
Phone #: (816) 650-7011
Email Address:
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated September 21, 2021; Updated December 14, 2021; Updated July 12, 2022; Updated November 8, 2022
When a student is evaluated for special education and the parents/guardians disagree with the results, they have a right to an independent evaluation by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the District at District expense.
The Director of Student Support Services may ask the parent/guardian why he or she disagrees with the District’s evaluation, but the parent/guardian is not required to provide a reason. Within 10 business days of the receipt of a request for an independent evaluation from a parent/guardian, the Director of Student Support Services will respond by providing the parent with a copy of the District’s administrative procedures. Within 15 business days from the receipt of a request for an independent evaluation from a parent/guardian, the Director of Student Support Services will respond to inform the parent/guardian whether the District (1) will pay for the independent evaluation or (2) will initiate due process to defend the District’s evaluation. If the District’s decision is to pay for the independent evaluation, the District will offer the parent/guardian the opportunity to meet with the student’s multidisciplinary team to develop an evaluation plan compliant with District Policy and administrative procedures. If the parent/guardian declines this offer to meet, the parent/guardian is responsible for ensuring compliance with District Policy and administrative procedures.
If a parent/guardian of a student with a disability under the IDEA obtains an independent evaluation without notification to the District, the parent/guardian may request that the District pay for that evaluation by notifying the District’s Director of Student Support Services, in writing, that they are requesting such payment. The Director of Student Support Services may request a copy of the IEE directly from the agency or individual that completed it, along with an invoice for the amount due. Within 15 business days from the receipt of a request for an independent evaluation from a parent/guardian, the Director of Student Support Services will respond to inform the parent/guardian whether the District (1) will pay for the independent evaluation or (2) will initiate due process to defend the District’s evaluation. If the District’s decision is to pay for the independent evaluation, the IEE must comply with District Policy and administrative procedures. If the cost of the IEE exceeds the District’s cost limitations, the District will inform the parent that the District will pay only the cost within the District’s limitations if the District determines that an appropriate IEE could have been obtained within the cost limitations. If due process is initiated by the District and it is determined that the District’s evaluation is appropriate, the parent/guardian is still entitled to obtain an IEE, but the District is not required to pay for the IEE. If the parent/guardian pays for and obtains an IEE which is compliant with District Policy and administrative procedures, the District will consider the IEE with respect to decisions regarding the provision of a free appropriate public education.
The District will consider the following factors in this policy to determine if the independent educational evaluation will be funded by the District.
Minimum Qualifications for Evaluators
Evaluators with the credentials listed will be approved. If a parent or legal guardian desires an evaluator with credentials other than those listed, the District may approve the use of such evaluator if the parent or legal guardian can establish the evaluator as appropriate.
Evaluator Qualifications
Academic Achievement
• Certified Special Education Teacher,
• School Psychological Examiner,
• School Psychologist,
• Licensed Psychologist, or
• Certified Regular Education Teacher
Adaptive Behavior
• Licensed Psychologist,
• Certified Special Education Teacher,
• School Psychological Examiner, or
• School Psychologist
Assistive Technology
• Certified or Licensed Speech/Language Pathologist,
• Certified or Licensed Occupational Therapist, or
• Certified Special Education Teacher (Master’s Degree)
Audiological or Central Auditory Processing
• Licensed or Certified Audiologist
• Licensed Psychologist,
• Certified School Psychological Examiner, or
• School Psychologist
• Licensed Physician
• Licensed Physical Therapist,
• Certified or Licensed Occupational Therapist,
• Certified Teacher of the Physically Impaired, or
• Physical Education Specialist
Music Therapy
• Licensed or Certified Music Therapist
Orientation/Mobility, Residual Vision, or Functional Vision
• Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired
• Certified Special Education Teacher,
• School Psychological Examiner,
• School Psychologist,
• Licensed Social Worker, or
• Licensed Psychiatrist or Psychologist.
• Certified or Licensed Speech/Language Pathologist
• Certified Special Education Teacher (Master’s Degree)
• Licensed Ophthalmologist or Optometrist
Visual Perceptual or Visual Motor
• Licensed Ophthalmologist or Optometrist,
• Licensed Occupational Therapist,
• Certified Special Education Teacher,
• School Psychologist Examiner, or
• School Psychologist.
Maximum Cost for Evaluations
A comprehensive, multidisciplinary, independent evaluation is limited to $1,500.00. A single disciplinary evaluation will be limited as follows. These same cost limitations for independent educational evaluations apply to the District when it conducts evaluations. The District ensures that it will reimburse a parent or legal guardian for an IEE at a higher rate if an appropriate IEE cannot, in light of the student’s unique needs and other unique circumstances, be obtained with the limitations of this policy.
Evaluation Maximum Cost
Academic Achievement $50-$400
Adaptive Behavior $50-200
Assistive Technology $100-$400
Audiological $60-$150
Central Auditory Processing $50-$250
Cognitive $100-$400
Health $50-$150
Motor $50-$250
Orientation/Mobility, Residual Vision, or Functional Vision $50-$250
Speech/Language $100-$400
Social/Emotional/Behavioral $50-$400
Vision $60-$250
Visual Perceptual or Visual Motor $60-$150
Transition $100-$400
Evaluation Geographical Limitations
Evaluators who will be considered for approval must be located within 45 miles of the District’s Administrative Offices. Evaluators outside of this geographic area will be approved only on an exceptional basis, provided that the parent can demonstrate the necessity of using personnel outside of this geographic area. The District shall not be responsible to provide transportation, nor pay any travel expenses, to and from the location of the evaluator. In the case of low incidence or severe disabilities where qualified evaluators may not exist in the geographic area, this requirement may be reconsidered by the District.
Parents requesting an independent evaluation should contact the Director of Special Services.
Title: Executive Director of Student Support Services
Phone #: (816) 650-7011
Email Address:
Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2022
The District will provide monetary support to the extent possible in order to provide instruction for students identified as gifted in a manner that attains the standards for a state-approved program. However, for the 2024-2025 and all subsequent school years, if 3% or more of students enrolled are identified as gifted and their development requires programs or services beyond the level of those ordinarily provided, the District will establish a state-approved gifted program.
Procedures for the identification and selection of students for participation in any program for gifted students will be developed by the District and approved by the Board.
Parents/guardians may request a review of the District’s determination that their student did not qualify to receive services through the District’s Gifted Education Program. The review process is as follows:
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022; Updated November 8, 2022
The District encourages effective involvement by parents, guardians, and families to support the education of their children. In consultation with the State board, educators, local associations, parent organizations and individual parents/guardians whose children are enrolled in Fort Osage R-I, the District will:
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
The District is committed to the provision of a free and appropriate education for all students enrolled in the District. Therefore, the District complies with all provisions, regulations, and administrative rules applicable to state and/or federal requirements in order to serve students who are homeless, migrants, English Learners, at-risk, or in foster care.
The District’s liaison for students who are homeless is:
Name: Assistant Superintendent Educational Services
Phone #: 816-650-7013
Email Address:
The District’s liaison for students who are in foster care is:
Name: Social Worker
Phone #: 816-650-7014
Email Address:
The District’s liaison for students who are migrant or English Learners is:
Name: Executive Director of Educational Services
Phone #: 816-650-7700
Email Address:
Homeless Students
The District will ensure that each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as provided to other children and youths. The District will not stigmatize or segregate students on the basis of their status as homeless. The District will, through its homeless liaison, identify and assess the educational needs of homeless children and youths including removal of barriers to homeless students’ education. The District will provide transportation, at the request of the parent or guardian (or in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the District’s liaison), to and from the school of origin.
Homeless students are those lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes:
Immediately upon identifying a student as homeless, the District will ensure the student is receiving homeless services, comparable to the services offered to other students of the District.
Dispute Resolution Process –Homeless Students
If a dispute arises over eligibility, or school selection or enrollment in a school, the student will be immediately enrolled in the school in which enrollment is sought, pending final resolution of the dispute, including all available appeals. Enrollment is limited to the school of origin or the local attendance area school where the student is actually living. These students will be provided services comparable to services offered to other students in the school selected including transportation services at the request of the parent, guardian, or the liaison for unaccompanied youth.
When a parent/guardian or unaccompanied homeless youth notifies the District’s homeless liaison in writing of their complaint, the homeless liaison serves as the intermediary between the parent/guardian or unaccompanied homeless youth and the school where the child is seeking enrollment. The parent/guardian or unaccompanied homeless youth shall receive a copy of or access to the District’s policies addressing the education of homeless children and youths from the District. The District’s homeless liaison will provide a written resolution of the dispute or a plan of action within five days of the date the written complaint was received. If the dispute is not resolved with the District’s homeless liaison, the parent/guardian or unaccompanied homeless youth can file a complaint in writing to the Superintendent or designee for further review. The District’s Superintendent or designee will provide a written resolution of the dispute or a plan of action within five days of the date the written complaint was received by the Superintendent or designee. If the dispute is not resolved at the Superintendent/ designee level, the parent/guardian or unaccompanied homeless youth may file the written complaint before the District’s Board of Education for resolution. The District’s Board of Education will provide a written resolution of the dispute or a plan of action within thirty days of the date the written complaint was received by the Board.
At-Risk Students
The District will identify students in their ninth grade year, or students who transfer into the District after their ninth grade year, who are at risk of not being ready for college-level work or for entry-level career positions. The District will include, but not limited to, the following sources of information:
The District will provide academic and career counseling to at-risk students prior to graduation so that the District may attempt to provide sufficient opportunities to these students to graduate college-ready or career-ready and on time.
The District may waive the requirements of this section for any student with a disability if recommended by the student’s IEP committee
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020: Updated December 8, 2020; Updated November 9, 2021; Updated July 12, 2022; Updated July 11, 2023; Updated July 9, 2024
Students residing within the District who are under the age of 21 and in grades Kindergarten through twelve may be eligible to enroll in the Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP) and other virtual courses at no expense.
Full-Time Virtual Enrollment Process
1. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will adopt a policy establishing the process by which an eligible student may enroll in a full-time virtual program of their choice. Starting August 28, 2022, student and parents will direct their requests for full-time enrollment to the virtual provider.
Part-Time Virtual Enrollment Process
1. Prior to enrolling in MOCAP, the student must be enrolled full-time in a public school and reside in Missouri
2. The enrollment process will be substantially similar to the District’s current enrollment process for other than virtual courses.
3. The District’s designee must approve a student’s request to enroll prior to the student’s enrollment in a MOCAP course.
4. Students who transfer into the District while enrolled in a MOCAP course or program will continue to be enrolled in the course or program upon enrollment in the District.
5. Transfer students who have previously gained credits through successful passage of approved courses under MOCAP shall be accepted by the District.
1. The District will approve an enrollment request as long as the student meets the eligibility requirements and enrollment in the requested course or program is the in student’s best educational interest. The decision will be consistent with the determination that would have been made for such course request under the process the District student would enroll in a similar course offered by the District. However, such determination may consider the student’s prior participation in virtual courses.
2. Parents, counselors and others may be consulted to determine whether MOCAP or other virtual courses serve a student’s best educational interest.
• The “best educational interest” determination will be made on a case-by-case basis and will include facts and circumstances regarding an individual student’s situation.
• Available opportunities for in-person instruction will be considered prior to moving a student to virtual courses.
3. In general, students with disabilities may enroll in MOCAP and other virtual courses using the same process applicable to other students. However, for students with disabilities served under the provisions of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 (504), the student’s individual education program (IEP) or 504 team must consider whether virtual courses or virtual school would serve the student’s best educational interest, and if so, whether supports and services or accommodations are necessary in order for the student to participate.
4. Enrollment in MOCAP courses will not exceed full-time enrollment in the District.
5. Information regarding MOCAP and District-sponsored virtual courses will be included in Parent/Student Handbooks, student registration materials, and on the District’s website.
Denial, Appeal, Removal
1. Refusal to grant approval for a student to enroll in MOCAP courses will be for good cause and a determination that it is in not in the student’s best educational interest.
2. Appeals of course denials will be handled in the same manner as denials for students seeking to enroll in courses offered by the District.
3. If a student is approved to enroll in a virtual course or program, the District will monitor a student’s progress. If the course is not meeting the educational needs of the student enrolled in the course, the District may remove the student from the course. Recommendations from the course provider and/or DESE regarding the student’s continued enrollment in the program will be considered before a student is removed.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022; Updated November 8, 2022
Pursuant to law, the District’s secondary schools (grades nine-twelve) will provide an opportunity for student-initiated, noncurricular groups to conduct meetings on the school premises during non-instructional time. The District will not discriminate against student groups on the basis of religious, political, or philosophical content of the speech at such meetings. For the purposes of this policy, noncurricular is defined as an extracurricular activity or group that primarily involves students, does not primarily address subject matter taught during the regularly offered courses, does not primarily address subject matter that concerns the body of courses as a whole, does not require participation as part of a class, and for which no academic credit is granted.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
School-sponsored, student publications may include the school newspaper/magazine, yearbook, and web pages and must comply with the ethics and rules of responsible journalism. Such publications are educational tools within the curriculum designed to provide venues for communication and the opportunity for students to exercise journalistic and technical skills. Faculty educators are assigned to advise students regarding the compilation and development of content for publication. Publications are primarily created and distributed within the school environment and are not part of a public forum. The building principal/designee may delay or prohibit publication of material that violates confidentiality laws regarding student records and privacy or which may cause a substantial disruption to the purpose or operation of school. The Board authorizes the establishment of procedures for review of information, including commercial advertisements, which must comply with District policy and procedures.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
The District provides opportunities for noncurricular student groups to distribute materials on school property, including but not limited to, petitions, buttons, badges, and other insignia. All communications that use the District’s technology to create or transmit noncurricular materials are subject to this policy. Students may distribute materials at reasonable times and places that are not likely to create substantial disruption. It is prohibited to distribute any materials to students on school premises which:
Any student wishing to distribute unofficial materials must first submit for approval a copy of the materials to the principal or designee at least 3 business days in advance of the desired distribution time, together with the following information:
Within two business days of receipt, the principal/designee will render a decision whether the material complies with or violates the guidelines of this policy. If the request to distribute the materials is denied, the reasons will be stated in writing to the student making the request. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision, the student may submit a request for appeal to the Superintendent or designee. Specific information regarding the appeal process will be provided to the student upon receipt of a request for appeal.
Students who violate the policy will be subject to the District’s discipline policies and procedures.
Permission to distribute material does not imply approval of its contents by the school, the administration, the Board, or the individual reviewing the material submitted.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
Schools are designed in a manner in which student promotion from grade to grade occurs at the end of each school year upon successful completion of the required competencies of the grade and courses.
In some instances, it may be determined that retention in a grade or subject area serves a student’s best educational interest. In other instances, it may be determined that acceleration in a grade or subject area serves a student’s best educational interest when a student demonstrates advanced performance or potential for advanced performance and social and emotional readiness for acceleration. Retention, unless otherwise required by law, or acceleration are exceptions that will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Retention or acceleration occurs only after communication with the family throughout the course of the year regarding the student’s progress, interventions or enrichment opportunities have been implemented, and multiple data points have been considered, including social/emotional factors. The District may provide and require tutoring outside the school day or summer school as a condition of promotion. The District recognizes that different students learn differently and will employ methods designed to help these students achieve at high levels. The final decision rests with the District’s administration.
Decisions regarding promotion, retention, or acceleration of students with disabilities will be made in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other applicable law.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022; Updated November 8, 2022
All students will participate in the required, statewide screening and assessment program or an alternative assessment as determined by a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). The District will comply with all assessment requirements for students with disabilities. The District has a written assessment plan, which is updated and posted annually on the District’s website. In addition, access to the assessment plan is included in the Student/Parent Handbook at the beginning of each year. The assessment plan is also available for review at the District office during standard business hours.
Adoption Date(s): July 14, 2020; Updated July 12, 2022
As required by law, the District will consider students’ speech to be presented in a limited public forum when students publicly speak at public District events. The District will provide such forum in a manner that does not discriminate against a student’s publicly stated voluntary expressions of a religious viewpoint, if any. The District will ensure that a student public speaker does not engage in obscene, vulgar, offensively lewd, or indecent speech. Such speech is prohibited. The District will state in writing, orally, or both, that the student’s public speech does not reflect the endorsement, sponsorship, position, or expression of the District. This statement will be provided at all graduation ceremonies and at any other public District event in which a student speaks publicly for as long as a need exists to dispel confusion over the District’s non-sponsorship of the student’s speech.
Students do not have a right to speak at public District events. Speaking at public District events is a privilege. To be eligible to speak, students must be in good standing with the District, as determined by the District. The selection of student public speakers at public District events and graduation ceremonies will be based on neutral criteria in accordance with law including, but not limited to, the following:
Adoption Date(s): November 9, 2021; Updated July 12, 2022
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Suite 101
Columbia, MO 65201
Phone: (573) 777-9645
Fax: (816) 252-9009
201 North Forest Avenue
Suite 200
Independence, MO 64050
Phone: (816) 252-9000
Fax: (816) 252-9009
3401 Technology Drive
Suite 260
Lake St. Louis, MO 63367
Phone: (636) 265-2560
Fax: (816) 252-9009
2833 East Battlefield Drive
Suite B 100
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: (417) 755-7190
Fax: (816) 252-9009
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