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EdCounsel | Independence School District | District Policies


School District

District Policies

  • C-100-P Official District Name

    The official name of the District shall be The School District of the City of Independence District No. 30. (Also known as Independence School District, Independence #30 School District, Independence Public School District, and Independence Public Schools.)

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-105-P District Rules and Guides

    The District rules and regulations will consist of the District Policies, the Board Manual, the Administrative Manual, the Employee Manual and the Student/Parent Handbook.  These documents will provide the rules and regulations for an effective and efficient school system. All Board members, employees, students and patrons are required to follow the District’s rules and regulations. The Superintendent, administrators and District supervisors are required to implement and enforce District policies, the Administrative Manual, the Employee Manual, and the Student/Parent Handbook.  Questions regarding the interpretation of any District rule will be directed to the Superintendent or designee.

    District policies will be approved by the Board, signed by order of the Board, maintained by the Board Secretary at the District’s offices, and posted on the District’s website. The Superintendent and administrative staff will assist the Board in timely review and revision of District policies. The Board Secretary will ensure that District policies and amendments thereto are transmitted to employees and teachers in the District.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-110-P District Mission and Planning

    The mission of The School District of the City of Independence District No. 30 is: By providing a quality education, the Independence School District will ensure that each learner will achieve the skills and self-confidence to be successful in an ever-changing world.  

    The vision statement of The School District of the City of Independence District No. 30 is: A community united to improve the quality of life through education. 

    The Board of Education will establish goals to guide the priorities of the Board.

    The Board has a long-range plan for the governance of the District that is guided by the District’s mission, priorities, goals and objectives.  The strategic plan will be developed and amended under the direction of the Board and with input from key District stakeholders.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023; Updated June 11, 2024

  • C-115-P Community Engagement and Communications

    The District will develop systems and processes using a variety of communication channels to effectively communicate with the public and key stakeholder groups.  District communications will come primarily from the District’s spokesperson. If employees or Board members do provide communications during their contact with parents or patrons, such individuals will follow all confidentiality and other restrictions imposed by law or District rules, and ensure all communications are accurate. 

    Superintendent as Spokesperson

    The Superintendent will serve as official spokesperson for the District unless otherwise directed by the Board. All employees and Board members will direct requests for statements about District business from the public or members of the media to the Superintendent or designee. Board members should direct requests for statements about District business to the Superintendent or designee. If a Board member chooses to make a statement about District business, the Board member will route their statement through the Superintendent, the official spokesperson for the District, prior to the statement being made.

    Communications Plan

    The Superintendent or designee will develop a District communications plan that, at a minimum, establishes:

    1. District channels of communications.
    2. Methods of sharing information with the public.
    3. Methods of sharing information with internal District stakeholders.
    4. A plan for District communications during emergencies.
    5. Information to be provided to parents/guardians and members of the public as required by law. 

    Community Engagement 

    District patrons should be encouraged to provide ideas, concerns and comments about District programs. The Superintendent will create opportunities for engaging patrons including through written submissions, participation on committees and stakeholder focus groups, and survey responses.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-120-P Concerns or Complaints

    Effective communication helps avoid and resolve many complaints, concerns, misunderstandings and disagreements. Individuals who have a complaint or concern should discuss their concerns with the school personnel involved in the issue at hand in an effort to resolve problems. This step will usually involve communicating directly with the person or persons with whom the complainant has a concern. This step may be skipped when the complainant in good faith believes that speaking directly to the person would subject the complainant to discrimination, harassment or retaliation.   

    This step may also be skipped if the complainant in good faith believes that any law or a District policy or written rule has been violated. The District has adopted specific procedures for investigation and resolution for complaints or concerns as required by specific and varying laws that are applicable to the District. The District’s Compliance Officer should be contacted with any complaints or concerns that any law or District written rule has been violated, including but not limited to, laws relating to: civil rights, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation; special education matters including the IEP and 504 processes and services; federal programs and related services; bullying; and The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, including student records and confidentiality. 

    When communicating directly with the school personnel involved in the issue does not resolve matters satisfactorily, or if it is appropriate to skip the first step as described above, a complainant should consult with the District’s Compliance Officer who will direct the complainant to the appropriate process for resolution of the complaint. The District designates the following individual to act as the District’s Compliance Officer:

     Name: District Compliance Officer

     Address: 201 North Forest Avenue, Independence, Missouri 64050

     Phone #: (816) 521-5300

     Fax #: (816) 521-5619

     Email Address: compliance@isdschools.org


    In the event the District’s Compliance Officer is unavailable or is the subject of a report that would otherwise be made to the Compliance Officer, reports should instead be directed to the alternative Compliance Officer:

     Name: Director of Human Resource

     Address: 201 North Forest Avenue, Independence, Missouri 64050

     Phone #: (816) 521-5300

     Fax #: (816) 521-5619

     Email Address: compliance@isdschools.org

    All complaints of violation of any law or a District policy or written rule will be promptly investigated by the District, and appropriate action will be taken. Complainants are strongly encouraged to provide their concerns in writing.

    Public Notice

    The Superintendent or designee will publicize this policy and will disseminate information about this policy to employees, parents/guardians, and students, as well as to newly enrolled students and newly hired employees.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-121-P Challenged Materials

    Challenged Instructional and/or Media Materials

    Instructional or media materials used in the District’s educational program consist of a variety of types of materials. The Board is responsible for making final decisions regarding the selection, acquisition and retention of curriculum and instructional and/or media materials to be used in the District based upon recommendations of the District’s educators. Materials will support and be consistent with the general educational goals of the District and the objectives of the specific course.  It is the Board’s policy to require that books, media and other instructional materials are selected based upon the educational needs of all students in the community.  Instructional and media materials will not be excluded on the basis of the author’s racial, political or religious views. 

    Filing Objections to Materials

    Objections to the selection or retention of instructional or media materials may be made by a parent or guardian of a student of the grade level grouping for which the challenged materials are accessible in the District. If a challenge is made, it will be properly processed through the procedures established by the Superintendent and initiated through the filing of a form requesting the “Review of Instructional or Media Materials” with the building principal. 

    A copy of the “Review of Instructional Materials” form may be obtained from the building principal or the Superintendent’s office. This form must be completed and returned by the parent or guardian seeking review. Once a review is completed and properly submitted, the media in question will be removed from use, pending review and final action by the Board of Education, unless the material in question is a basic text. 

    Appointment of Review Committee

    Within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the completed form requesting review, the Superintendent will appoint a review committee. The committee will consist of nine members with the following composition: the administrator of the building involved, a central office administrator, a library media specialist, three teachers, and three lay people. Lay persons will be appointed at the discretion of the Superintendent based upon nominations from members of the Board of Education. The building administrator will act as chair of the committee and secretary. 

    Within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the committee, the committee will meet, consider the written request for review, evaluate the questioned materials, prepare a report of its findings and recommendations for the Superintendent. The committee’s recommendation will generally request that the materials be retained without restriction, retained with restrictions, or not retained. 

    Notice of Committee’s Recommendation and Parent Objections to Recommendation

    Following receipt of the recommendation and report of the committee, the Superintendent will provide notice of the committee’s recommendation to the Board at its next regular meeting. Any parent or guardian of a student in a grade level grouping who may have or had access to the materials may object to the committee’s recommendation. Such objections must be filed with the Superintendent’s office within 10 business days after the date of the Board meeting at which the Superintendent reported the committee’s recommendation. Parents filing objections to the committee’s recommendation will state their objections and reasons therefore.   

    Superintendent’s Decision

    Within ten (10) business days following the deadline for filing objections, the Superintendent will review the report and recommendation of the committee, as well as any additional information provided by the parent requesting the review or parent objecting to the committee’s recommendation. The Superintendent will make a written decision as to any restrictions or retention of the material in question. This written decision will be provided to the parent submitting a request for review, any parent who files a timely objection, and the Board of Education.

    Appeal of Superintendent’s Decision to the Board of Education

    A parent who timely filed for committee review or an objection to the committee’s recommendation may appeal the Superintendent’s decision to the Board of Education by filing written notice of their appeal within five (5) business days of receiving notice of the Superintendent’s decision. The Superintendent will then provide to the Board the written Superintendent’s decision, the recommendation and report of the committee, and any objections of parents timely filed with the Superintendent.  

    Board Decision

    The Board will make a final decision regarding any restrictions or retention of the materials in question within sixty days of receipt of the written recommendation of the Superintendent. The decision of the Board will be promptly reported to the building principal, the person requesting review and to other appropriate personnel. The library media specialist responsible for the materials in question will maintain a file of all pertinent information concerning the questioned materials. The Board decision shall be final and requests for review of the same media or materials under this policy will not be reconsidered for six years following the date of the final decision.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-125-P Concerns or Complaints Regarding Federal Programs

    The District receives funds under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and is required to follow federal law regarding the ESEA governed programs. Any concerns or complaints that the District may have violated these laws should be reported to the District’s Compliance Officer for immediate investigation so that the District may successfully address the issue. The District’s Compliance Officer will be responsible for investigating and addressing all specific allegations of violations of federal statutes and regulations governing Title I, Parts A, B, C, D; Title II; Title III; Title IV, Part A; or Title V of the ESEA.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-130-P Equal Opportunity and Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation

    The District is committed to providing equal opportunity in all areas of admission, recruiting, hiring, employment, retention, promotion, contracted services, and access to programs, services, activities, and facilities. The District strictly prohibits any unlawful discrimination or harassment against any person because of race, color, religion, disability, age, sex, gender, national origin, or any other characteristic protected by law. The District also prohibits retaliatory action, harassment, or discrimination against individuals who make complaints of, report, or otherwise participate in the investigation of any such unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. The District is an equal opportunity employer.

    Anyone who believes that they have been discriminated, harassed, and/or retaliated against in violation of this policy should report the alleged discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation to the District’s Compliance Officer, unless the Compliance Officer is unavailable or the subject of the report.  In that case, the report should be made directly to the alternative Compliance Officer. The District designates the following individual to act as the District’s Compliance Officer:

     Name: District Compliance Officer

     Address: 201 North Forest Avenue, Independence, Missouri 64050

     Phone #: (816) 521-5300

     Fax #: (816) 521-5619

     Email Address: compliance@isdschools.org


    In the event the District’s Compliance Officer is unavailable or is the subject of a report that would otherwise be' made to the Compliance Officer, reports should instead be directed to the alternative Compliance Officer:

     Name: Director of Human Resource

     Address: 201 North Forest Avenue, Independence, Missouri 64050

     Phone #: (816) 521-5300

     Fax #: (816) 521-5619

     Email Address: compliance@isdschools.org

    All employees, students, and visitors who have witnessed any incident or behavior that could constitute discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under this policy must immediately report such incident or behavior to the District’s Compliance Officer for investigation.

    All complaints of violation of this policy will be promptly investigated by the District, and appropriate action will be taken.

    Public Notice

    The Superintendent or designee will publicize this policy and will disseminate information about this policy to employees, parents/guardians, and students, as well as to newly enrolled students and newly-hired employees.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-131-P Title IX

    The District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education program or activity that it operates and is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner. The requirement not to discriminate in the education program or activity extends to admissions and employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX to the District may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator or Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.

    The District designates the following individual to serve as the District’s Title IX Coordinator:

                Name or Title: District Compliance Officer

     Address: 201 North Forest Avenue, Independence, Missouri 64050

     Phone #: (816) 521-5300

     Fax #: (816) 521-5619

     Email Address: compliance@isdschools.org

    Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment), in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or electronic mail address, or by mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinator. 

    All employees, students, and visitors who have witnessed, heard about, or received a report about any incident or behavior that could constitute sexual harassment under this policy must immediately report such incident or behavior to the District’s Title IX Coordinator for investigation. If the allegations are against the District’s Title IX Coordinator, it must be immediately reported to the Superintendent, unless the Superintendent is also the Title IX Coordinator, then to the President of the Board of Education.

    All complaints of violation of this policy will be promptly investigated by the District, and appropriate action will be taken.

    Public Notice

    The Superintendent or designee will publicize this policy and will disseminate information about this policy to employees, parents/guardians, students, newly-enrolled students, newly-hired employees, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the District.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-135-P Board Meetings Generally

    A quorum of at least four Board members must be present, either physically or electronically, at all meetings of the Board. Meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment including, but not limited to, conference calls, video conferences, Internet chats or Internet message boards. Board meetings are open to the public unless closed as allowed by law. Open meetings will be held at a time that is reasonably convenient to the public and a place of sufficient size to accommodate the anticipated attendees. The District will make reasonable efforts to make the meeting accessible to individuals with disabilities.  

    The District may set guidelines for such audio, video and other electronic recordings of open meetings to minimize disruption to the meeting.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-140-P Public Comment to the Board

    Written submissions may be directed to the Board, through the Superintendent, for consideration at a Board meeting. Copies of all correspondence directed to the Board will be made available to all Board members.    

    In addition to written submissions, a specific time will be set aside at regular Board meetings for public comments regarding items from the posted agenda. Individuals who want to make public comments regarding an agenda item must provide a written request to the Board of Education and received in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools by 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the Board meeting or 24 hours after the public posting of the agenda on the District website, whichever is later. To provide notice to the public of matters to be discussed by the Board, only comments directly related to the posted agenda item will be permitted. The Board President will apply reasonable restrictions on individuals addressing the Board including but not limited to restrictions on the number of items to be considered, the number of spokespersons and the amount of time each spokesperson may have to address the Board. At each meeting, up to thirty minutes will be allotted for public comment. There is a maximum limit of five minutes per approved individual. If the meeting agenda is full, the Board President may reschedule an item for the next regular meeting. The Board President will set a time limit for the public comment portion of the meeting. No individual will be permitted to speak more than once during this part of the meeting. Each member of the public to speak will be given the same amount of time to address the Board.   

    If an individual wishes to have an item placed on the agenda of a regular Board meeting, he or she may make a written request to the Superintendent after going through the appropriate process for a complaint or concern pursuant to District rules. See District Policy C-120-P regarding Complaints or Concerns.  The individual is also required to meet with the Superintendent/designee to attempt to resolve the issue. Superintendent/Designee must meet within 20 days of the request. After the meeting or if the Superintendent/designee does not meet with the individual within 20 days, the individual may submit a written request to the Board Secretary to have the item placed on the agenda.   

    The written request must be received by the Board of Education and received in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools by 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the Board meeting and must describe the items to be discussed with reasonable particularity. The item may then be placed on the agenda as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent and the Board President. The Board President will refuse to allow discussion of an issue that has not gone through the appropriate process as a complaint or concern pursuant to District rules.   

    The item will be placed on the agenda if it directly relates to the governance or operation of the District. The District may refuse to place an item on the agenda; (1) if the Board has heard an identical or substantially similar issue in the previous 3 calendar months or (2) if the resident previously violated District rules regarding conduct at meetings or on school property and upon a specific finding by the superintendent or board that the refusal or delay in hearing the resident’s agenda item is necessary to protect the board’s ability to conduct business at its meetings and is unrelated to any viewpoint expressed by that resident or the proposed agenda item. If an individual’s request to place an item on the agenda is denied, the District shall provide a short explanation in writing within five (5) business days of the denial. The District may delay hearing an agenda item if more than 3 resident-initiated agenda items are scheduled for the same meeting. If the agenda item is delayed or denied, the resident may communicate to the Board as outlined in the first paragraph of this section about the agenda item.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023; Updated July 9, 2024; Updated January 14, 2025

  • C-145-P District Information and Records

    Generally, the District will ensure the public has access to the meetings, records and votes of the Board. In certain situations, and as permitted by law, these meetings, records and votes will be closed to the public.   

    The District’s custodian of records is responsible for responding to requests for District records. Requests for records will be directed to the custodian, whose identity will be made available on request. The Board appoints the following person as custodian of records:


     Title: Board Secretary 

    Address: 201 North Forest Avenue, Independence, Missouri 64050 

    Phone #: (816) 521-5300


    In addition, the Superintendent will designate an alternate records custodian to serve in the absence of the records custodian.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-150-P Prohibition of Tobacco and Imitation Tobacco Products

    To promote health of all individuals, the District prohibits all employees, students and patrons from smoking or using tobacco products, electronic cigarettes or imitation tobacco or cigarette products in all District facilities, on District transportation, on all District grounds at all times and at any District-sponsored event or activity while off campus.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-155-P Visitors to District Property and Events

    Visitors during school hours, including Board members, must sign in at the building main office prior to proceeding elsewhere in the building. The principal of each school building will ensure signs are posted to direct visitors to designated doors nearest the building office. 

    Disruptive Conduct

    Visitors who engage in disruptive conduct or exceed the scope of their permission to be on District property may be considered trespassers and subject to arrest and prosecution. If a visitor engages in disruptive conduct, the Superintendent or designee may limit or revoke the visitor’s permission to visit school property or parts of school property. The Superintendent or designee may inform the visitor that he or she is not welcome back on District property, or a specified portion of District property, and/or at District events for a specific period of time not to exceed one year. During any period of prohibition, the visitor will not be allowed on District property, except that no person may be denied the ability to attend open, public meetings of the Board and its committees or advisory committees except upon a specific finding by the Superintendent or Board of Education that denial of admission to such meetings is necessary to protect the Board’s ability to conduct business at its meetings and is unrelated to any viewpoint expressed by that person. The Superintendent may make exceptions for parents, guardians or custodians of students enrolled in the District if the person’s presence is necessary to transport the student or may benefit the student educationally, or in situations where the parent, guardian or custodian will be supervised at all times. 

    To inform a visitor that he or she is not welcome back on District property or at District events, the Superintendent must send a restriction letter to the visitor, sent by first-class mail and by email, if known. The restriction letter shall include:

    1. A description of the visitor’s disruptive conduct;
    2. The time period for which admission to District property and District events will be denied, not to exceed one year; 
    3. A description of the District property and events from which the visitor is restricted;
    4. Whether the visitor is being restricted from attending open, public meetings of the Board and its committees or advisory committees; and
    5. Notice of the visitor’s right to appeal the restriction to the Board of Education, by referencing this policy, a copy of which will be provided with the letter


    Any visitor restricted for “disruptive” conduct under C-155-P, or a representative of the visitor, may submit a written appeal of the restriction to the Board of Education’s Secretary via electronic mail or first-class mail. The appeal must be received by the Board of Education’s Secretary within thirty (30) calendar days after the restricted visitor’s receipt of the restriction letter. Therein, the visitor shall state all reasons why they believe the restriction should be revised or overturned. Within fourteen (14) days following receipt of the visitor’s appeal letter, the District’s administration shall provide a written response to the Board of Education’s Secretary, with a copy provided to the visitor, stating all reasons why the restriction should be affirmed. If the visitor submitted their appeal via electronic mail, the District shall provide its written response to the visitor via electronic mail; otherwise, the response shall be provided via first-class mail.   

    Within seven (7) days after receipt of the District administration’s written response, the visitor or their representative may, but is not required to, submit to the Board of Education’s Secretary a written rebuttal via electronic mail or first-class mail. If the visitor makes new factual assertions that were not raised in the original written appeal, the District’s administration may, within seven (7) days following receipt of the written rebuttal, submit to the Board of Education’s Secretary a written reply to address only those new factual assertions, with a copy provided to the visitor. Otherwise, the District’s administration shall not provide any information to the Board of Education regarding the appeal outside of the contents of the administration’s written submission until the Board of Education has issued a decision regarding the appeal.

    Upon receipt of any written rebuttal, the Board of Education shall consider the visitor’s appeal at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education that is scheduled to take place at least  five (5) business days after receipt of such rebuttal. 

    A visitor who is restricted from attending open, public meetings of the Board and its committees or advisory committees may, in lieu of submitting a written rebuttal, submit to the Board of Education’s Secretary a request to provide an oral rebuttal at a Board of Education meeting. Upon receipt of any request to provide an oral rebuttal by a visitor who is restricted from attending open, public meetings of the Board and its committees or advisory committees, the visitor or a representative designated by the visitor shall be provided with the opportunity to address the Board at the next meeting of the Board of Education that is scheduled to take place at least five (5) business days after receipt of such request, and the Board of Education shall consider the visitor’s appeal at that same meeting. If the District administration determines there is reason to believe that the visitor’s presence at a Board of Education meeting will create an immediate danger to the physical safety of individuals present at the Board of Education meeting, the visitor may be required to address the Board of Education virtually rather than in person.

    The visitor or their representative may address the Board of Education for a period of time not to exceed five (5) minutes. If, during their presentation, the visitor makes new factual assertions that were not raised in the original written appeal, the District’s administration may address only those new factual assertions for a period of time not to exceed five (5) minutes, and the visitor may listen to such address. Otherwise, the District’s administration shall not provide any information to the Board of Education regarding the appeal outside of the contents of the administration’s written submission until the Board of Education has issued a decision regarding the appeal. 

    If the visitor does not submit a written rebuttal or request to provide an oral rebuttal within seven (7) days of receiving the District administration’s written response, the Board shall consider the appeal at the next meeting of the Board of Education that is scheduled to take place at least  five (5) business days after the expiration of the time to submit such written rebuttal or request an oral rebuttal.

    The Board of Education shall consider the visitor’s written appeal, the District’s response, and the visitor’s written or oral rebuttal, if any, and the District’s reply to any new factual assertions in the visitor’s rebuttal in deciding whether to affirm, overturn, or revise the restriction. The Board of Education will provide notice of its decision to the appealing visitor and Superintendent within three (3) business days of the Board meeting. The Board of Education’s decision shall be final.

    Possession of Weapons 

    Possession of weapons, including concealed weapons, is strictly prohibited on District property, on District transportation or at any District function or activity sponsored by the District unless the visitor is an authorized law enforcement official or is specifically authorized by the Board. 

    Sex Offenders 

    Individuals listed on the Missouri Highway Patrol's sex offender registry may not be present in any school building, or on District property, in any District vehicle utilized to transport students, or be present at school activities without the written permission of the Superintendent. For those extraordinary circumstances when permission is granted, it will be granted in writing for a specific event. In such cases, the Superintendent will notify the principal of the building in which the sex offender will be present and arrange for the sex offender to be supervised at all times and the sex offender will not be permitted to be alone with a child.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023; Updated January 14, 2025

  • C-160-P Community Use of District Facilities

    As a service to the community, the District may allow community groups and individuals to use District facilities for educational, recreational, social, civic, philanthropic and other similar purposes when the facilities are not being used by the District or District-sponsored groups. The Superintendent or designee may approve or deny facility use requests in accordance with law. Unless otherwise required by law, the District will maintain District facilities as nonpublic forums and reserves the right to exclude individuals or groups from its facilities or cancel or modify any permission granted.

    Priority of Use

    Use of District facilities will not be granted if the use conflicts or interferes with a District-sponsored activity, and all uses granted are contingent upon the District's needs. Any community group or individual may apply to use District facilities but applicants who intend to use District facilities for purposes that directly benefit District students will be given priority. Staff use of District property and facilities for personal purposes, or reasons other than performing the staff member's duties with the District, will be subject to the application process and rules applicable to other applicants.


    The District may charge rental fees and require security deposits for the use of District facilities. The District may also charge for additional costs associated with the use as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. The Superintendent or designee may waive the fees for individuals and groups created to support the District and non-profits.  

    Equal Access 

    When the District allows youth or community groups not affiliated with the District to use District facilities outside of school hours, the District will provide equal access and related services and benefits to groups or organizations listed in Title 36 of the U.S. Code that are intended to serve young people under the age of 21, including the affiliates of the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the United States of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-165-P Use of Recording Devices or Drones

    The District prohibits audio and visual recordings on District property, District transportation or at a District activity unless authorized by the Superintendent.  Requests for such authorization must be made within a reasonable period of time prior to the recording.  

    Unless otherwise specified by the Superintendent, the following exceptions to this prohibition apply:

    1. The District or designated agents of the District may make audio or visual recordings to provide security, to maintain order, for staff or preservice teacher development use, or for educational purposes.  
    2. Students may record if required by a District-sponsored class or activity.
    3. Individuals may record performances or activities to which the general public is invited such as athletic competitions, concerts and plays.
    4. Individuals may record open meetings of the Board or District committees.
    5. Outside entities may record an event when using or renting District facilities in accordance with District rules.
    6. A parent or legal guardian of a student may audio record any meeting held under the IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act with no less than 24 hours’ notice to the Director of Special Education and building principal.

    All unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, with the potential to capture or produce visual images of District property or District events must be operated in accordance with applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations or safety guidelines. All UAS operators must receive authorization from the Superintendent to operate a UAS on or over District property or at a District event.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023

  • C-170-P Advertising on District Property

    It is the District’s intent to maintain a nonpublic forum. Advertisement is prohibited on District property unless authorized by the Superintendent or designee. Advertising prohibited includes, but is not limited to, personal solicitations, signage, announcements, pamphlets, handouts, and any other dissemination of information regarding products or services available or for sale. The solicitation of information including, but not limited to, political campaigning, is also prohibited. 

    If a District building is a polling place, the District will comply with § 115.637, RSMo. This includes allowing exit polling, surveying, sampling, electioneering, distributing election literature, posting signs or placing vehicles bearing signs with respect to any candidate or question to be voted on at an election on election day if at least 25 feet from the building’s outer door closest to the polling place.

    Adoption Date(s): July 12, 2023; Updated June 11, 2024

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